commercial real estate map

Choose the Best Mapping Software For Commercial Real Estate

  • August 23, 2023
  • Guides
  • Author: Volodymyr Ovramenko
  • Reading time: 12 minuntes

When it comes to commercial real estate, it’s important to invest the right way and choose the right software and location to get a good return on your investment. The process of choosing quality mapping software for real estate can be a lot easier if you have the right data to work with. In fact, at the moment there are a large number of programs that have many tools that help you manage your location data and create powerful data visualizations, resulting in a simplified decision-making process.

Commercial real estate can be of different types, but for each of them, it is necessary to choose the best commercial real estate mapping software that will not only help you make decisions quickly but also help realtors implement the project and achieve maximum success. 

What Is Mapping Software for Commercial Real Estate?

Mapping software for commercial real estate is a type of application that helps investors map properties and find the most successful real estate deals. With the help of the software, commercial property owners can create special databases that include property size, price, and location. Similar programs are also used to display a real estate map and create a visualization of a shopping complex or a building. At the moment, you can find a large number of free tools on the Internet that will help you create a real estate map, but it takes a lot of time to search for them.

commercial real estate map

Best Mapping Software for Commercial Real Estate

Before choosing the best mapping software for commercial real estate, it is important to understand what the concept of commercial real estate is and what it is for. Most likely, you are familiar with an industry in which real estate investment is extremely important – this is commercial real estate. In this area, it is important to be able to make the right decisions so as not to worry about the consequences and ensure the right location and the highest possible return on investment. However, it often happens that decision-making becomes too complicated, in such cases, software comes to the rescue that helps determine the best location for the object. 


Maptive is one of the most powerful mapping tools that allow you to create high-quality visualizations that help you make decisions quickly and easily. This program allows users to create commercial real estate maps, which will display data on the location of objects and compare properties through Google Places Data. Users who choose this software can use all the functions of Google, customize their maps with a large number of tools, create graphs, and change the parameters of existing maps.

Maptive features enable commercial real estate agents to gain access to maps and help create a quality connection with a client who is at the stage of choosing a property. Also, the program will be useful for supporting sales and visualization of objects. This mapping software for commercial real estate allows brokers to manage multiple properties in real-time and provide all the necessary information for clients, which is essential for quality cooperation.


Mapme is software that is as simple and easy to use as possible and has enough tools to create a commercial real estate map for professional users. The tools and features of the program help brokers create maps that can display photos and videos of tours, which is a huge plus for clients to select a property. In addition, Mapme allows you to create maps that will be explored so that clients can easily make business decisions with serious commercial real estate strategies. You can also use the program to display independent objects and amenities that are close to the location. It’s no surprise that Mapme’s mapping software for real estate has become one of the most popular choices for brokerage firms and developers because the program’s functionality is extremely useful and easy to use.


Maptitude is the best mapping software for commercial real estate, which is popular among users because it has a large number of tools for qualitative land valuation. Here you can grab the demographic data you need for scoring, identifying potential, site comparison, location analysis, and more. In addition, users can evaluate locations based on various factors and choose those that are closer to the clients they work with. Recently, Maptitude has become a program that not only helps you select and evaluate locations but also uses filters to help you do it successfully.


MapRight is a program with which you can manage data properties, view commercial real estate maps, and create databases to help you analyze sales. This software has a mobile version so that users can always take maps with them to any place and conduct analysis regardless of location. In addition, MapRight has unique tools that are suitable for professional use and are based on GIS layers. Based on this, we can conclude that this program has a large number of useful functions and additional parameters, thanks to which users can create more than 400,000 maps that show options for using commercial real estate.

CoStar Go LoopNet

CoStar Go LoopNet is one of the best commercial real estate maps app for realtors due to its functionality. This software has many tools for Mac users and allows you to create high-quality maps, provide access to the database and connect to lists of objects for rent or purchase. The program has become a favorite among commercial realtors due to its intuitive interface and a large number of tools that help analyze data without any difficulties. CoStar Go LoopNet has several versions, among which you can choose a free option that allows you to enjoy useful features at no additional cost, or deposit funds and access additional tools that will help make map creation easier and faster.

How Does Mapping Software for Real Estate Work?

Many users who first encountered mapping software for commercial real estate have a question about how it works. The answer is simple, programs of this kind show the route in real-time. After that, the maps move along the driver’s path, and if he deviates from the specified route, the navigator rebuilds the coordinates and calculates the path to the destination. In ordinary life, users do not think about how this system works, but if you are faced with commercial real estate, you need to delve into and study the analogy of how mapping software works.

commercial real estate map

How Do Real Estate Agents Use GIS Data?

Among the most active users of commercial real estate maps are real estate agents. Realtors most often use ArcGIS to compare property location data, using various technologies for territory visualization and mapping. Through such actions, real estate agents can provide potential clients with the most up-to-date and up-to-date information on the markets and provide quality advice regarding their future investments.

At the moment, investors listen to the opinions and advice of real estate agents, however, innovative tools can replace the common man and provide all the necessary information about the objects. With the help of GIS, you can collect and analyze map data and study information about a future investment.

Advantages of Custom Mapping Software for Real Estate

In the modern world, commercial real estate maps help many investors analyze the risks of investing and learn about the quality of the land of the future object. Many users wonder what useful mapping software for real estate can be, but in fact, the programs have several advantages that attract real estate agents to use them on an ongoing basis:

  1. Increase productivity and significantly reduce costs. With quality mapping software for commercial real estate, you can significantly reduce costs and use your time more efficiently. The programs have the advantage of allowing users to quickly plan strategically and obtain information that other tools cannot provide. 
  2. Increase in the number of transactions. Statistically, in the US, firms that use mapping software are twice as successful as those that operate in the standard way. By using commercial real estate mapping software, you automatically gain an advantage over your competitors, as a result of which you have the opportunity to attract a huge number of potential customers and close a large number of deals.
  3. Simplify the process of making major decisions. With mapping software, users can quickly and easily identify geographic markets and notify new customers. The software allows you to determine at what point the maximum number of profitable customers is located, conduct a qualitative analysis of the site, and find the best places for objects.

All these advantages indicate that the use of a commercial real estate map is the best option for agents who want to attract a large number of potential customers, increase sales and conduct a qualitative analysis of the territory of objects.

commercial real estate mapping case

The Impact of Mapping Software on the Real Estate Industry

Mapping software for real estate has had quite an impact on the real estate industry as a whole. For some users, these changes are imperceptible, however, for agents who daily encounter customers who wish to purchase an object, these programs have become real helpers. Here’s a look at how mapping software has impacted the real estate industry and the opportunities it has created:

  • Thanks to a large number of tools, users can easily add individual territories to the submarket map.
  • Easily analyze a wide range of demographic data.
  • Quick visualization with a pin map that contains all the available objects.
  • The use of filters helps remove unnecessary objects that do not meet the requirements of customers.
  • Easily assist potential clients in finding the commercial property they dream of.

As you can see, mapping software makes the job of real estate agents much easier and more successful. In addition, clients who wish to purchase commercial real estate can be sure that the realtor will conduct a qualitative analysis of the territory and select the most suitable object for purchase.

Why Should You Choose Custom Software Development For Commercial Real Estate?

In case you have a question about why you should choose to develop commercial real estate mapping software, we recommend that you read this paragraph and carefully study the information that we provide below:

  1. Creation of a program to the needs of the company. You can develop commercial real estate mapping software from scratch, including all the necessary features and tools that you will need in the process. In addition, if necessary, you can remove or add new features at any time.
  2. Economic benefit. One of the greatest benefits of creating mapping software is cost-effectiveness. At first, you may think that the program is less expensive, but it is important to consider the additional costs that may arise in the process of creating quality work.
  3. The fastest possible integration. Thanks to the creation of the program, you can make important decisions several times faster because you will see the full picture and can even follow the further development of events.
  4. Increased security and reliability. The commercial real estate maps app is created based on personal requirements and needs. Based on this, we can conclude that the program will be as reliable as possible because it will have all the necessary tools and be safe since self-creation will not make it less reliable than public programs.

Mapping software development is a great option to streamline your workflow and make it as efficient as possible. The program, created based on individual requirements, is the best assistant to quality work and attracting potential customers who will stay with you for a long time.


What software do you use to plot locations on a map?

Mapline is the best option for simple visualization of objects. Here you can find a huge number of tools and functions that will help you put the location in the right place on the map, draw boundaries, and routes, and even track the premises in real time. This program greatly simplifies the process of exchanging cards and makes working with team members easier and more efficient.

What is data mapping in real estate?

Geographic Information System helps to collect, analyze and display geographic information. Displaying real estate data helps clients visualize the property they wish to acquire, analyze risks and consider the area where the building will be located.


Based on the information that you have read earlier, we can conclude that choosing the best mapping software for commercial real estate is a very important step in establishing workflows. Thanks to a quality program, you will be able to use all the necessary tools for analyzing and collecting data about the object, thereby increasing your professionalism in the eyes of investors and potential clients. Before turning to one of the programs, we recommend that you carefully read the characteristics of each and choose the one that suits your requirements and needs.

Why Mappitall for Development of Custom Mapping Software For Commercial Real Estate 

Mappitall helps develop custom software for commercial real estate through a range of benefits:

  • Fast decision-making. Commercial real estate maps help provide valuable information with which to analyze market trends and competition.
  • Simple logistics. This advantage helps to optimize supply chain management and improve logistics. The main advantage is that these actions can be performed in real-time, which reduces delivery time and makes efficient use of resources.
  • Positive customer experience. Maps help improve the customer experience by providing accurate and up-to-date location information. With this, you can multiply the number of satisfied customers and build trusting relationships with them.
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Get in touch with us

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Use our expertise to design your custom mapping software solution.

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    mapping background image Volodymyr Ovramenko author image

    CEO and Founder at Mappitall

    An entrepreneur and business leader, Volodymyr began his career in the late 1990s at the Laboratory of Geoinformation Systems of the Kharkiv National University of Radioelectronics.

    In 2007 Volodymyr created Mappitall, and grew the company from a small agency providing GIS solutions to one of the industry leaders in Ukraine, a reliable technology partner for many international enterprises and top-level organizations around the world.

    As CEO, Volodymyr is the driving force behind the company’s strategy and business development, actively working on the development of Mappitall’s business model, attracting more and more talented people who share his vision and mission.